It patches the Appearance Manager so that you can set the minimum font smoothing size to a value lower than 12 points. It actually sets the lower bound to 6 points, since you probably cant read anything smaller!
How do you install it?
Put it in your Extensions folder. Reboot.
What doesn't this extension do?
It does not patch the Appearance Control Panel.
You cannot change the value in the Appearance Control Panel to a value below 12.
What good is this hack if you cant change the font size in the Appearnace control panel?!
You can change it, you just need to use AppleScript to do so.
Run the included SetMinimumFontSmoothingSize applet, and enter your desired minimum font smoothing size.
How does the extension work?
This extension uses some undocumented Virtual Memory manager calls in order to patch the loaded AppearanceLib code fragment's SetThemeFontSmoothing code. This extension works on MacOS 8.6 and 9.0.
This extension DOES NOT modify any files on disk. All patches are done in RAM.
Why did this thing come into existance?
Somone mentioned that a hack I made for patching Appearance Manager should have been made into an extension. I took it as a challenge. :-)
Should you worry?
I use it myself, all the time.
Note that VM swapping could cause this patch to be overriden if the AppearanceLib fragment is reloaded from disk.
If a program requests a private copy of the AppearanceLib, it might not get the patched version of the SetThemeFontSmoothing code. I don't know of any programs that do this, since it would, well, it would be dumb to do that.
This software comes with no guarantees of quality, usability or suitability. Using it means you accept any problems it may cause as your own.
I have a few ideas of where I can go with this program.
If you can think of any simple hacks that you'd like to see, I can probably do it.
Feel free to mail me suggestions, but I might have already thought of them! =-)
If you are having problems with this program, too bad. I'll listen to your complaints, but I might not reply to them. ;-)